Have you given birth in the last 6 months?

Have you given birth in the last 6 months?
March 7, 2017 esfs_webadmin

If the answer to this question is yes and if you spent the majority of your recent pregnancy living in England or Wales then you have the chance to participate in a survey and possibly win a prize.

Richard Clarke is a current PhD student at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and he is running an online survey-based study that focuses on the mother/health care professional relationship and the effective communication of information related to vaccination.

By completing the  survey (15-20 minutes in length) you will be assisting in public health research that will be used to improve UK health services.

Participation in this study also gives you the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw to win your choice of a Mothercare or Amazon voucher worth either £50 (2 available to win) or £100 (1 available to win).

To find out more about Richard and his research click here 

To go straight to the online survey click here

This study is planned to run up until the end of March 2017 after which a public summary of the finding will be hosted on this site. So if you are interested in the results please e-mail [email protected] now to be added to the notification list