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Launching the “Thinking Differently” and “Growing Together” projects!

5th July 2019

We have been awarded funding from the National Lottery for a third time this year.

Thinking Differently” contributes to the following Big Lottery priorities:

  • Bringing people together and building strong relationships in and across communities
  • Improving places and spaces that matter to communities
  • Enabling more people to fulfill their potential by working to address issues at the earliest possible stage

Our “Thinking Differently” project is underpinned by the 5 Ways to Wellbeing (New Economics Foundation) and offers the following support;

  • Harvey Girls sessions aimed at mums and children 5 years of age and under
  • Dads4Dads, a Saturday morning session aimed at dads and their children (of any age)
  • Beyond Black Belt – a martial arts group on a Thursday evening, for the whole family, focusing on getting active, promoting positive family relationships and respect
  • Transitional Group – for students moving to Secondary education who may be struggling with self-esteem, confidence, peer groups, etc
  • Gardening project – for students needing some “time out”, referred in by schools across East Staffordshire

If you would like more information please contact Kate Wood on 01283 533449